Bible of Linear Drumming by Joel Rothman

Model Number: 4TJRP112
SKU: 22327
$29.99 CAD

1 in stock

The Bible of Linear Drumming (for all True Believers), by Joel Rothman, is method to learn and improve your linear drumming skills.

Playing linear style drum beats is very much in vogue—it involves a special type of coordination where just one surface is struck at a time. In other words, if you strike the cymbal you don’t strike the snare, tom tom or bass drum simultaneously.

By mastering the exercises in this book you’ll not only develop the skill for playing linear, but  you’ll also learn patterns that are highly practical “grooves” during actual performance of both rock and jazz.  Learn to play in the most up-to-date way—learn to play linear. Complete this book and you’ll be a master at it. 

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